iPad Pro 12.9" blooming. The truth.
Is blooming really as bad as it is made out? Or is it being blown out of proportion?
When the new 12.9" iPad Pro 2021 was announced, Apple touted the capabilities of the new mini LED technology. However, as people received their iPad Pros, they posted pictures of severe issues of blooming.
So is there any truth to these claims? Well now, thanks to a new video by YouTuber, Max Tech, we have proof of what's going on.
The first image here is a screen shot from the video, and shows what a smart phone camera shows when pointed to the iPad Pro's screen.
This second image is what a professional camera or the human eye shows when pointed at the new iPad Pro's screen.
Our verdict:
The blooming issues are being vastly blown out of proportion because of the following reasons:
Slight blooming will occur only in very dark room with the brightness turned all the way up.
Pictures being shown on social platforms are shot on smartphones and do not give an accurate representation of real life. This is because smartphones will take images shot at night and over-brighten them since the image sensors are much smaller compared to professional cameras.
There are some very strict conditions under which blooming will be seen, which are: Pitch black environment. Pitch black screen with white text or characters on top. Max brightness.
These conditions are almost impossible to recreate in real life for actual usage since no one uses any screen at full brightness in a dark room other than people who want to damage their eyes. We believe Apple kept all this in mind when putting mini LED tech in the iPad.
People showing pictures of blooming are taking pictures with their smartphones which is not an accurate representation and we have included comparison images to show what the eye would actually see.
We will continue to monitor the situation and inform you along the way.
Credit to Max Tech for the video.
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