Don't like wikipedia's user experience?, check this out
Wikifox just launched a few days ago and it solves nearly all the problems with the wikipedia experience today; its cleaner, a lot more simplified and has a dark theme (yay!). In case that's what you want to know, here is the site that you are here for: and for those who stuck around, here are my initial thoughts about the site: Pros:
1. It organizes textual information in a beautiful manner
2. Unlike Wikipedia, its front page isn't full of information overload, rather its a cute little fox on a simple black background
3. A clean user interface with a dark theme or in fact you could create your own custom CSS theme or use light mode. 4. The bookmark feature is clean and you can download the entire Wikipedia page in a click Cons: 1. Few things might look unfinished, but that's common with any new software, so that will hopefully be fixed as time passes
2. Images and media are not available at the moment
So these were my thoughts about the site, let us know if you liked this article by tweeting @kinetechblog or commenting below